
Join Our Legacy Society

By making a gift to Dog Is My CoPilot through your will, trust or estate, you’ll be preventing needless euthanasia and helping us fly animals to loving forever homes. The information below is meant to provide a general overview and please contact us if you have any specific questions about how to add Dog Is My CoPilot into your estate. We would love to speak with you about how planned giving can help us fly animals to loving homes in the future.

Naming Dog Is My CoPilot in your Will or Trust is a simple way to support our animal rescue.

You can designate investment accounts, bank accounts, life insurance policies and other types of assets to Dog Is My CoPilot or any charity. Under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests. Estate law can be complex and we suggest that you seek legal advice when creating a will or trust. The language below can be used as a point of reference if you’ve created your own will.

I give and devise to Dog Is My CoPilot (Tax ID: 45-5441984), located in Jackson, WY all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).

If you decide to allocate your gift to a specific purpose, please check with our team to be sure that we can use your gift as you intend.

If you’ve already named Dog Is My CoPilot in your will or trust, please contact us so that we can express our deepest thanks and include you in our legacy society.

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By joining our legacy society, you’ll become part of a select group of animal lovers that not only shows compassion, but sets an example for others by remembering Dog Is My CoPilot and homeless animals in your will or estate plan. As a member, you will receive the satisfaction of making a gift that will ensure a life saving legacy for future generations.

Consider donating a portion of your retirement accounts to save on taxes today.

You can name or designate Dog Is My CoPilot as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan and allow the balance of your retirement assets to save animals in the future.

With this approach, you can continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals and you maintain flexibility to change beneficiaries if your family’s needs change during your lifetime. To give through a 401(k) or another type of retirement account, all you have to do is contact the financial institution that manages your retirement plan and designate a charity as the beneficiary. This can be set up quickly and often just requires you to notify the financial institution that manages your retirement account.

You can also make donations through your retirement plan to any charity. Giving through your retirement account is often referred to as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). If you wish to give to charity, making a gift through your retirement account is often considered a tax efficient strategy. This costs nothing to set up, does not require a consultation with an attorney and gifts can often be processed with a quick phone call to your financial institution.

Remember, you must be 70½ or older to be eligible to make a QCD and can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions for the year. QCD’s distributions are not counted towards taxable income and don’t require that you itemize, which due to the recent tax law changes, means you may decide to take advantage of the higher standard deduction, but still use a QCD for charitable giving.

Life Insurance gifts will help Dog Is My CoPilot to continue flying animals home.

When you donate a life insurance policy, you’ll receive an income tax deduction equal to the value of the policy. You can either transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to Dog Is My CoPilot, which can be cashed in or held for future work, or you can designate Dog Is My CoPilot as the primary or contingent beneficiary, passing the value at the end of your lifetime.

Rewards of Planned Giving

You’ll receive satisfaction now when creating a plan for your future gift. Every gift, no matter how small, will help us fly animals to new families interested in adopting a pet. As you are considering a planned gift, please let us know of your intentions so we can thank you for your generosity.

If you have any specific questions about how you can make a difference for animals, please contact us.