
Saving lives + protecting our pets with Pet Notify

We are thrilled to be partnering with our friends at Pet Notify who automatically call, email and text you when someone finds your lost pet.

To support Dog Is My CoPilot, Pet Notify will donate $10 for each Intellitag order using promo code DIMC. And, to help drive more donations, Pet Notify is giving up to 2 FREE Intellitags per household for a limited time! In addition, you will also receive pet safety lights, and 60 days risk free of Pet Notify Suite services and Intellitag monitoring (over $50 value)! 

Check it all out at Pet Notify and use code DIMC to try risk free and claim your special offer right away in support of Dog Is My CoPilot. Give your pets a voice when they need it the most with Pet Notify.

The technology enabled Intellitag will automatically call, email, and text you when your lost pet is found, with the pet rescuer’s name, contact, and location, simultaneously sending to your pet’s rescuer any information that you would want them to have, such additional contact phone numbers, addresses, emergency drop locations, medical, behavioral, pet sitter or foster info, etc.  And, if you don’t respond, the Intellitag automatically starts alerting your back-up network with texts and emails, making for a faster, more reliable reunion!  No more missed communications when time is of the essence.

The Pet Notify Suite offers important animal safety features, such as Pet Safety Alarms, Pet Task functions, and its Pet Vault, which offers pet document storage that is easily sharable.



P.S. In case you are wondering, Monty pictured above is looking for his forever home and you can find him at the Animal Adoption Center of Jackson, WY.  Call 307-739-1881 or email Adopt@animaladoptioncenter.org for more info!

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