
Last week we were wheels up with two very special passengers!

Thanks to a wonderful team in El Paso, Texas and Portland, OR, we flew rescue animals number 24,000 and 24,001, because let’s get real, it’s hard just to choose one adorable rescue to celebrate!

Rescued 24,000 and beyond

Scrambler, our 24,000th passenger, came to us from our lifesaving partners at El Paso Animal Services. He landed in their care over 1-year ago and since then has been waiting patiently for his home. Scrambler finally got a chance to spread his wings and be one step closer to finding that family who will cherish and love him with the help of One Tail at a Time – Portland.

Also on board was Cream Puff, our 24,001 passenger who was scooped up and saved by our amazing partner, Underground Dog, who saves dogs from rural West Texas shelters.
“Cream Puff is 1.5 years old and has a non-healing fracture in her front leg that needs addressing. She went unclaimed in a 6-kennel shelter in Far West Texas that hasn’t had a single dog adoption yet this year. She is also a fantastic dog who has gained so much confidence (and 15 needed lbs) in foster as she prepares to make her way to the Good Life that One Tail at a Time – Portland makes possible for all their rescues! For all who’ve flown before and all who have yet to travel, Cream Puff is an example of what is possible when there’s a way to get dogs from where they are doomed to where they will be cherished!” Heather Hall, director at Underground Dog

One Tail at a Time – Partners in rescue

One Tail at a Time – Portland (OTAT PDX) officially launched in May 2015. They were founded by Juli Zagrans as a little sister of the Chicago based dog rescue, One Tail at a Time, established in 2008. OTAT PDX is an all-breed, no-kill, foster-based animal rescue that has saved over 1,000 animals since its inception. They operate with a vast network of volunteers, veterinary and rescue partners and have been a key partner for our rescue flights out of Texas. OTAT PDX also provides community education and advocacy programs for the humane treatment of companion animals. They have a slightly different process to help find animals a forever home. After an animal is rescued, they are placed into loving volunteer foster homes where they receive any and all necessary medical attention and behavior support before being matched with a forever home.

We are so grateful for our partnership with OTAT PDX to help save thousands of pet lives together!

Pegasi Classic Golf & Cornhole Tournament will be returning to Arrowood Golf Course on Veterans Day, November 11, 2022!

Dog Is My CoPilot is excited to partner with The Pegasi Classic Crew for their second annual fundraiser. This event will be on Veterans Day, November 11, 2022 and will feature a golf tournament and cornhole tournament. Last year over 250 military aviators, airline crew members, their families, and friends gathered together to benefit the Thompson Tansky Scholarship Foundation and raised over $30,000. We already anticipate a sell-out crowd. One of our volunteer pilots, Jennifer Boman shared her experience with the Pegasi Classic Crew and knew it would be a good fundraising opportunity for Dog Is My CoPilot. Jen is a military and commercial airline aviator and one of our nine volunteer pilots. We would not be able to rescue any animals without the help of these pilots. Jen is flying in honor of her soul dog, Koru, who was lucky enough to get a second chance on life himself.

Support our Pets & Vets at the 2022 Pegasi Classic Golf & Cornhole Tournament!

The Pegasi Classic Golf & Cornhole Tournament is open for registration! We anticipate a sell-out crowd this year. The event will host teams of two golfers or two cornhole players competing to hoist the 2022 Pegasi Jug! Additionally, a number of raffle items, food, and beverages will be generously provided by our fantastic sponsors. Those who wish to only participate in the raffle and attend the reception after the tournament are welcome to purchase a happy hour ticket. Register at Dog Is My CoPilot

If you or your business is interested in sponsoring our event please reach out to Kara Pollard at kara@dogcopilot.org or Matt Cunningham at pegasiclassic@gmail.com. Our sponsors have done a lot to make the tournament so successful. Many of last year’s unbelievable sponsors have all returned, and we’ve gathered a few more! Please support the great companies who support us and visit their websites through our registration page.

We are thankful to have the backing of The Alaska Airlines Master Executive Council of the Air Line Pilots Association as well as continuing our partnership with the Thompson Tansky Scholarship Foundation. The Alaska Airlines Master Executive Council of the Air Line Pilots Association fully supports the two charities recognized by the Pegasi Classic

Please come out and support our Pets & Vets at the 2022 Pegasi Classic Golf & Cornhole Tournament! Register at https://dogcopilot.org/pegiasi-classic-golf-tournament/