
Pawprint Animal Rescue Podcast

50: Peter Rork, Dog is My CoPilot: Up in the Air for Animal Rescue & Welfare

Peter Rork is Co-Founder and Chief Pilot for Dog is My CoPilot (DIMC). He and Co-Founder Judy Zimet have rescued over 4,000 dogs and cats by flying them from high kill shelters in places like California to the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain regions.

Peter worked for many years as a surgeon, while Judy is an attorney and real estate agent.

I highly recommend listening to the entire interview, Peter’s journey is pretty incredible.

If you want to learn more about Dog is My CoPilot, see some photos, or want to make a donation to an amazing cause, go to our show notes at thisispawprint.com/50

photo credit for Peter Rork photo: Jaclyn Borowski

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